A downloadable game

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A lone archer climbs Mount Oeyama to defeat the Oni king and his legion of half-demons with the guidance of Japanese elemental gods Raijin (Thunder-God), Fujin (Wind-God), Suijin (Water-God) and Kagu-tsuchi(Fire-God) to free the land from his clutches.  You're the last hope, every shot counts.


Yuki, a highly skilled archer, whose abilities are unrivalled throughout the lands and even knock on the door of the gods themselves. The lone archer dedicated his life to protecting his town, and will conquer anyone or anything who threatens him or his people.

When suddenly his town was covered in darkness, a darkness which was overflowing from mount Oeyama. Yuki's objective became clear as he now has to climb Oeyama to uncover the truth but in doing so he finds what only can be described as a nightmare. 


  • Versatile combat: Whether you take your time to land your shots in free aim mode, or manipulating the strength of the elements to inflict statuses, or even using equipment, such as the sword to deflect opponent's attacks onto them, there are a variety of ways to take down your foes.
  • Movement: Yuki's skill and agility enables movement abilities such as dashing to avoid enemies and grappling to cross gaps and explore new areas that Oeyama has to offer.
  • Elements: With the blessing of the elemental gods  of fire, water, wind and thunder and Yuki's mastery of the bow,  use these in combination to create powerful effects called elemental triggers and unleash havoc on your enemies.






Benjamin Godwyll - Design and Programming

Katie Murray - Programming, Art and Commercialisation

Edwin Paul - Art and Project Planning


Hero Of Oeyama.zip 76 MB

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